The largest generation in the history of the United States recently entered the workplace, The Millennial Generation. The Millennial Generation, coined the “millennials,” were born between 1982 and 2002. Said to have a larger impact on the planet than the Boomers, the Millennials should be on the top 10 list of target demographic s for any solid marketing or public relations plan.
What does the average Millennial look like? They are multi-cultural, jacked up on technology and savvy with new devices, brand conscious and most important they seem to have been born with an innate B.S. reader. Since the media has been in their lives from the get-go, they are saturated with content and driven by humor and relevance.
For marketers to keep up with this ahead-of –the-game generation the key is to make your product or service relevant, evolve your current marketing practices and define your brand’s points of difference. With so many choices for every decision you have to truly stand out to be heard by the Millennials.